Here at my SAP internship, I want to connect Analysis for Excel with SAP HANA. Unfortunately, this fairly simple procedure is the ultimate example for bad documentation, and I want to note down my approach here for getting it to work.
The following is for Analysis for Excel versions 2.0 and greater (why)
- Make sure Analysis for Excel is up to date. An obvious step but you don't want any version conflicts after having it set up.
- Install the HANA Client for Excel from here (Click Search for Software)
- Grant your database user the required privileges for accessing HANA via Excel through HTTP (why)
- Import the delivery unit AHCO_INA_SERVICE.tgz from the server
- Add the INA_USER role to your user under the granted roles section
- Add the object privileges _SYS_BI, _SYS_BIC and _SYS_RT to your user and enable the SELECT checkbox for those
- Open Analysis for Excel (see images)
- Click the Analysis tab
- Hit the Insert Data Source and Select Data Source...
- Right-click inside the selection menu, and Create new SAP HANA connection...
- Enter your credentials and the selection menu for views should pop up